Are you still:  Smoking | Chewing | Vaping ? 

Break up with nicotine for good and set yourself free.  


We're Positively-HUB about Your Health and Your Wealth

Here at Positively H.U.B., we help you stop smoking, stop chewing tobacco, and even stop vaping, so that you can finally: 

  • Be healthier
  • Look and smell better and
  • Respect yourself like you deserve.

When you invest in yourself, you can:

  • Stop spending your hard-earned cash on habits that make you sick, so you can
  • Have more money for what you care about the most. 

Your success in stop using tobacco and nicotine begins with a FREE questionnaire designed to customize your program for exactly what you need to become tobacco- and nicotine-free.  

Click a button below to find out more. 

What Clients Say
Why This Program
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What are Hypnosis and EFT?
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JACKIE TOOK THE TIME TO UNDERSTAND MY NEED AND THEN PROPOSED A PLAN using a combination of hypnosis and EFT that gave me amazing results!  She is professional, supportive, and can even support remote work.  I highly recommend working with her.

—Michael F.

YOU SAVED MY LIFE...AND MADE ME AND MY FAMILY VERY HAPPY!  Jackie, there is not a way to express my gratitude for what you have done for me and my family. I am so happy that I found you! Thank you for saving my life! Thank you for making me feel so proud of myself again! Thank you for helping me to get up everyday and not want to smoke at all!!!

As you know I am a breast cancer survivor and it was so embarrassing to continue to smoke knowing that my chances of my cancer coming back was a risk if I did not quit. But it is a drug. It is addicting and I could not find the willpower to quit on my own. Literally, thank God for hypnosis!

I feel like a million bucks! Smoke free now for 78 days!! Woo-hoo!!! 

—Karen Raithel

JACKIE IS A SKILLED THERAPIST. I benefited greatly from working with her on several issues that had been upsetting me for years. She knew the best approach to use for each issue. She is a compassionate listener and offers effective solutions. I highly recommend her. 

—Ellen V. 


I'M JACKIE AMBROW, MA, CHt, CFA, your Certified Hypnotherapist, Advanced EFT Practitioner and Certified Specialist in Stop Smoking Hypnosis. 

I've been helping people just like you stop habits like smoking - chewing tobacco - vaping for a decade and a half. What's more, everyone who has completed their customized program with me has successfully stopped their habit of nicotine. (That's a success rate of 100%.)

As my client, if you hit a real stress after your program with me and you get a craving you're not sure you can stop, just call me. Together we'll "nip that craving in the bud" so you never have to smoke, chew or vape again. 

I'm your personal success specialist, as close as your phone, tablet or computer!

Download My Biography and Training

You Can Successfully End Your Relationship with Tobacco and Nicotine for Good

The Right Access

Take care of achieving your goals right from your home or office (or even your car). Years before everyone was trying to figure out how to go remote, I had already been seeing clients virtually with great success since 2015. Long before the pandemic, part of my hypnotherapy training covered using hypnosis and EFT by phone and video chat.

Now in my 16th year of practice, the vast majority of my clients find that the phone works great for them; it's simple and requires no extra tech. For those that prefer "face-to-face" I offer secure video sessions using Zoom and FaceTime. 

The Right Vehicle

Your "habit machine" —your mind—is like your dream car. Give your mind the right fuel and maintenance it needs to perform, and it will carry you through to the finish line.

We'll take all the guesswork out of stop smoking, chewing or vaping with customized fuel and tweaks for your thoughts, feelings and habits. We'll set you on the road to success by using the "auto-pilot" of your subconscious mind to your advantage—instead of to the tobacco and vaping companies' advantage and profit!

The Right Practice

As you advance through your customized Stop Smoking, Stop Chewing, or Stop Vaping Hypnosis Program, we'll make sure you have all the reinforcement you need to push past any obstacles and become your strongest, healthiest and happiest self.

Hypnosis works through reinforcement. With each session, you'll build the exact customized library of personal hypnosis recordings to help you stop smoking, chewing, or vaping for good.

With every recording, you'll relax completely while your mind practices everything you're learning until it's second nature to you—and you become a Permanent Ex-Smoker, Ex-Chewer of Tobacco, or Ex-Vaper.

Take the First Step for Free

Begin your journey to becoming a Permanent Ex-User of Tobacco and/or Vaper of Nicotine.

Your answers to the free questionnaire below will help us customize your Stop Smoking, Stop Chewing or Stop Vaping Hypnosis Program just for you. Together we can:  

  • Identify your motivation and reasons for stopping.
  • Discover your triggers for smoking, chewing or vaping so you can eliminate and replace those old habits. 
  • Figure out how many sessions you may need to be successful in ending your relationship with tobacco and nicotine. 
  • Use your own words to customize your hypnosis to you. It turns out that all of us are most suggestible to our own words, so we'll use that to your advantage in your hypnosis program to maximize your success.

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