$250.00 USD

Want to save $100/session on your Private Hypnotherapy?

Take advantage of your free 14-day trial as a Silver Member of Positively H.U.B. and then when your trial ends, you'll unlock a 40% savings on your Private Hypnotherapy, plus you'll receive additional benefits and savings. 

As a Silver Member of Positively H.U.B., you'll find ongoing support for meeting life's challenges in a network of solution-oriented Humans Undergoing Breakthrough just like you.

During your free 14-day trial, you'll get access to weekly groups to help you accelerate your breakthroughs: The Make-SHIFT Sessions on Sundays and Talk-and-Tap on Wednesdays. 

As a paying Silver Member, you also get discounts on Specialized Hypnotherapy Groups, plus you'll qualify to get monthly access to your own dashboard on our Five Diamond Club membership, which can save you up to 65% on travel at true wholesale prices, with no rate parity, just like airline industry and federal employees can. 

Add your free 14-day trial as a Silver Member of Positively H.U.B. today and discover how consistent, small shifts over time can lead you to big breakthroughs.  

When your free 14-day trial ends, you'll pay just $47/month for your Silver Membership (regularly priced at $67/month, valued at $199/month).

If you don't want to wait that long to start saving 40% on your NEXT Private Hypnotherapy Session after this one, SKIP your free 14-day trial. Paste the link below into your browser to become a paying Silver Member with full access HERE:


Private Hypnotherapy / EFT Session

Book your Private Hypnotherapy Session with Jackie and get the help you need to create your next breakthrough and achieve your goals.

What you'll get:

  • Clarity on your goals, where you're stuck, and how to achieve your goals with less effort, in a shorter time, with lasting results.
  • Actionable insights, practical skills, motivation and confidence to create your next breakthrough.
  • Empowerment as you retrain your subconscious mind and put it into the service of your conscious desires. 
  • Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or a tapping session using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to help you make rapid changes to your subconscious programming.
  • Your own personal hypnosis library as you receive recordings of the hypnosis in your sessions, backed by brainwave entrainment music, for daily reinforcement and training for your subconscious mind until you reach your goal.
  • Average session times of 90 minutes, which are typically double the time most talk therapists will see you. 
  • Fast, long lasting results because we work with both your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, the seat of all your automatic thoughts, feelings and behavior. 



You must complete the intake process ("Get Ready in 5 Easy Steps"), which includes these 5 steps, if you have not already completed them: 

  1. Subscribe to our emails and confirm your subscription.
  2. Get your files including our Terms of Service, Jackie's Biography and Training, and, if you need to get one, the Healthcare Referral Request packet.
  3. Complete your Online Intake Assessment and agree to our Terms of Service
  4. Book your session, if you have not already scheduled.
  5. Watch the Theory of Mind video.

The ordinary scope of Hypnotherapy practice includes vocational and avocational goals and self-improvement. 

Goals that are related to medical, dental or mental health issues require written referral from a licensed healthcare provider. 

We strongly urge you to seek a qualified, licensed professional regarding any medical, mental health, legal or pastoral concern.  No part of this program is intended to provide medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, treatment or therapy.

If you are under the care of a Licensed Provider, or should be, and your goals  relate to a medical, dental, or mental health issue or condition, you may be required to get a Healthcare Referral from a Licensed Provider, for your safety and for our professional ethics. We do our best to make it easy for you and your Licensed Provider. As part of the intake process, you can download a Healthcare Referral Request with simple instructions and the documents you need.

You must be of legal age to participate in Private Hypnotherapy Sessions without parental/guardian consent.  If you are not of legal age to participate, your parent or guardian must give written consent.

You are responsible for your choices and results at all times. Since results depend on your personal choices and efforts, we do not guarantee any particular outcome. 

If you need any help completing any of those steps, please let us know right away at [email protected] or call us at (323) 470-9993. 



Jackie Ambrow, MA, CHt, CFA is a leading-edge Applied Anthropologist, Certified Hypnotherapist and Advanced EFT Practitioner, and Certified Franchise Advisor. She is also an Independent Team Member of Collaborative Franchise Systems. She is certified in over a dozen Hypnosis/EFT specialties through the American Hypnosis Association. She's been helping people just like you for over 15 years. Jackie will conduct your session.  

To learn more about Jackie and Xochitl, who is her daughter, business partner and best friend, click here


Client Testimonial on YouTube

Joy Smith is an Army veteran who got struck by lightening while on active duty as a psychiatric nurse leading her team in a storm. She had years of debilitating pain until she discovered Hypnosis for Pain Management and other hypnotherapy tools with Certified Hypnotherapist Jackie Ambrow, MA, CHt. Joy was able to do all of her hypnotherapy sessions by phone (pre-COVID!) and got great results! Watch a brief interview here or watch the full interview here

What People Are Saying:

Jackie is multi-talented and driven by principles of personal enlightenment and empowerment. She is responsive and flexible based on her client’s abilities to learn and grow. Her core is spiritually discerning.

Mary P.

Jackie is a skilled therapist. I benefited greatly from working with her on several issues that had been upsetting me for years. She knew the best approach to use for each issue. She is a compassionate listener and offers effective solutions. I highly recommend her.

Ellen Vangel

Jackie took the time to understand my need and then proposed a plan using a combination of hypnosis and EFT that gave me amazing results!  She is professional, supportive, and can even support remote work.  I highly recommend working with her.

Michael F.

When I came to Jackie, I was looking for relief from my constant vomiting due to a medical condition I had. Not only did I get cured and was able to control the food issues, I was able to overcome a number of other issues that surfaced during my therapies for the throat issue. I have now lost over 10 lbs., the issues in my marriage have been fixed and I am finally at a happy state in my life - something that has been amiss for over 8 years. Thank you Jackie!

Becky Deutschman

When I found Jackie, I was struggling in my life. I had a great career, great family, married with a house full of kids, but yet with all the success, I was struggling to keep my life in order. I felt like I should have had more accomplished by now, have more to show for it and certainly, should have been filled with joy, but I wasn’t. Even though I showed up to my life every day and persevered, I just couldn’t find myself. I didn’t know who I was or what direction my life was going. I had been struggling with anxiety, depression , insomnia, weight gain and feeling like I was powerless to make any changes or do anything that would get me started in the right direction. My psychiatrist suggested I seek counseling, but I had tried that before and never could find a connection with a therapist. I came across Jackie’s listing in the Psychology Today index of therapists in my area—and once I read her short bio, I knew I had to call her. After working with Jackie, through hypnotherapy, I now know all of the things that have been weighing me down for years: the doubts, fears, emotions and unhealthy thinking that had led me down a path of unhappiness and lost identity. I continue to work with Jackie on the litany of problem areas that I have and the progress I personally have made , as well as the empowerment and direction I feel, is staggering. After our first session together, I had the best week I can remember. I had immense energy, clarity, direction and joy. I know that life’s challenges and trials won’t end, but now I feel like I have the tools to deal with them. I will never allow myself to be so off-center and without joy again. It has been incredibly liberating and empowering to realize that I have the power within me to bring about colossal changes in my life, that I had conceded were out of my reach before.

Cindy Lewis, MSN, RN-BC